On wednesday I wenn to a lecture on leasure and entertainment in the 18th century. Michael North from the University of Greifswald, who also published books and essays on the German economic history and on the culture of games during enlightenment, had his speech centered on northern Germany, especially Hamburg and Berlin and their elites during the 18th century.
Many facts I already knew. For example the influences from Italy, France and England. But the role model in everything concerning entertainment, music, balls, theatre and what we today know as leasure time, were the Dutch. Well, in Northern Germany that is. But it isn't surprising, is it!?
Games were not yet seen as something bad and therefore forbidden. So L'ombre and Tric Trac were played a great deal, which can be seen in the households inventories of that time.
The musical entertainment business as we know it from England or rather London was merely unfolding to become professionally organized and commercialized.
I recommend one of his books, though I don't know if there is an English version available: Joy and hapiness in life. Cultural consumerisn during the Enlightenment, Cologne 2003. 26,90€
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