Donnerstag, 19. April 2012

A Royal Affair

Finally the Danish movie 'A Royal Affair', which was partly filmed in Dresden (short video below the trailer!), starts in German cinemas TODAY. I still don't know if its shown in any theatre nearby(UPDATE: yes it is!!!!), but I'm already excited by the trailer. I've read a biography about Matilda years ago and immediately loved her. There is also a docu-drama on abouth her and Struensee. It's so sad to see this young queen lose her children to a tyrannical mother-in-law and an insane husband. And to lose her love as well, not to mention to be exiled and die a lonely death in the middle of nowhere. Just reminds me of Marie Antoinette's daughter Marie Therese...


PS: Ooooooh, swoon... Mads Mikkelsen!!!!



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