Montag, 2. Mai 2011

New Exhibition opens May 8th: The Power of Saxonian Princes

A new permanent exhibition opens at the Castle Albrechtsburg at Meißen on May 8th! Under the title of:

»Albrechtsburg Castle in Meissen. Reach for the top!
Architecture, power and porcelain in the oldest castle of Germany«

Five exhibition areas are waiting to be visited:
- At the centre of power - The Meissen Hill and the Wettins in the Middle Age
- The extraordinary architecture of Albrechtsburg Castle – a stroke of genius
Residing in the castle – what it could have been like
Splendid new looks for the castle – Albrechtsburg Castle in the 19th century
Experiment and manufacture – the Albrechtsburg as the first European porcelain manufactory

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