Samstag, 26. Februar 2011

Book: The Everyday World in the 18th Century

The state initiative "Saxony Anhalt and the 18th century" has published a book accompanying the exhibtions of the year 2008/09 about the everyday life in the 18th century.

ISBN: 978-3898127172

Verlag: Mitteldeutscher Verlag
Ort: Halle (Saale)
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2010
Autor: Simone Bliemeister, Katrin Dziekan (Hg.)

- Money and Economy
- Food
- Travelling and Education
- Fashion
- Parties and Games

A book that shows how exciting life was, & its roots in our nowadays life.(Saxony-Anhalt and the 18th century, vol 5)

     * 304 pages with numerous colour illustrations
     * hardcover
     * 25, -

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