Dienstag, 9. Oktober 2012

Facebook Revisited

Last year I deleted my FB account, just before the timeline was launched. I don't regret it. I don't miss it. I don't use Twitter actively - just for my feed and stuff. But now, reading about this, I am intrigued to use it for the Leyland Blog as Emmeline's Diary.
The success to historical FB sites is new to me, but interesting. Even the many learning apps are fascinating and I am thinking of signing up for Emy...

Facebook increasingly includes learning tools among its many, many applications, although you'll need an account to explore them. Flashcards lets you create your own questions, vocabulary lists, and answers and maintain your digital cards in sets. The Courses application is one of several that enables students (or students and educators) to post schedules and exchange notes and comments.*

Does it really work to set a birthdate in mid 18th century?

UPDATE: whoosh! the 100th Research Post!!!!! Yeah...

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