Montag, 23. April 2012

Radio for the King

2012 is the 300th birthday of Prussian king Frederic the Great. Brandenburg Radio (RBB Inforadio) turns to history and sends out its reporters to 18th century Prussia and the court of King Fritz. For a whole week they will report on events on Frederics life, the Katte process and the life at court in Berlin.

The articles are in German, as are the podcasts, but do translate the text with google, they did a great job travelling through history!



Eine Woche lang - vom 23. bis 27. April - berichtet Inforadio live aus dem 18. Jahrhundert vom Hof König Friedrich des Großen. So hätte Preußen klingen können, wenn es damals schon ein Friedrichradio gegeben hätte ...


Frederick radio
For one week - from 23rd to 27th April - Inforadio reports live from the 18th century court of King Frederick the Great. How would Prussia have sounded, if it had then been given a radio ?


The Katte Process - live reports on Crown Prince's reaction

Fashion at Frederic's court


the week on Friedrichradio:

Tuesday - Potsdam, economy and intrigues & rumours

Wednesday - 1 day in the life of a king

Thursday - wars & peace

Friday - Frederic's foreign policy & his death

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