Mittwoch, 9. März 2011

William Russell's The History of Modern Europe

While doing some research I stumbled upon William Russell (1741-1793) and a series of books on the history of Europe from the 5th to the 18th century.

I found them both in English and in a German Translation from 1822 by Johann Friedrich Zöllner (1753-1804).
The original English title reads as follows:

"The History of Modern Europe. With an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and a View of the Progress of Society From the Rise of the Modern Kingdoms to the Peace of Paris in 1763: in a Series of Letters From a Nobleman to His Son Volume: 6 General Books"

[publication date: 2009 Original publication date: 1822 Original Publisher: F.C. and J. Rivington] It was though first published in German in 1788 in Berlin by Maurer Publishing. If you try to google the author, you will first find Lord William Russell (1639-89), who was executed and was definitely not the author of those 6 books. The German version was published in 12 volumes.

More about the author:
His "Sentimental Tales" appeared in 1770; his "Fables, Sentimental and Moral," and translation of Thomas’s "Essay on the Character of Women," in 1772; and his "Julia," a poetical Romance, in 1774. Other pieces were scattered throughout the periodical works. His success was nevertheless such as to enable him to give up his office at the press, and depend upon his pen for subsistence. After an unsuccessful History of America, he produced, in 1779, the first two volumes of the work by which alone his name has been rescued from oblivion—"The History of Modern Europe:" the three remaining volumes appeared in 1784.

I downloaded the first two volumes, as I'm very intrigued about a historical historian's writing about history ;-P and maybe his view on the subject until 1763 is helping me with my research for Leyland and how history was seen then.

Sources where I found the books:

And of course all volumes in English as ebooks for free via GoogleBooks.

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