Sonntag, 26. Februar 2012

New Theme

As you'll well notice, the diary got a new theme design and I hope you'll like it. It is the first step for me to get back to blogging. After amost one year of blogging absence - except for the Research Center Posts - I want to continue the diary. Many changes will take place in the story in general. Some will be published here, some will be kept top secret for the book to come ;-D But I hope you'll enjoy Emmeline's progresses...
There are many gaps in the storyline and I have to sort them out first, but in the meantime I'll try to publish some new parts of the diary - the historical sources like Emmeline's housebooks for instance.

Glad to be back at last,
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Samstag, 4. Februar 2012

Knitting on the Train

Travelling through Switzerland can be a more fascinating trip if you are a knitter or want to become one. This year the Chur - Disentis - Line turns 100 years and they celebrate with a special offer: a knitting workshop while on the train enjoying a marvellous landscape.

The Senior Design Factory is responsible for the workshop. You'll get needles, yarn etc etc. The trip including all the fun costs 99 CHF.

The train leaves Chur on Sunday 26th of February at 10.56 am, arrives at Disentis 12.11 pm and returns to Chur at 12.44 pm to 14.01 pm.

PS: How I'd love to live in Zurich and work at the Senior Design Factory. Check out their website - they're lovely!

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